Welcome to my site
I am a psychotherapist, author, and lecturer. I am fascinated with the complexities of our human existence. My mission is to work on promoting wellness and wholeness within, with others, and with everything that exists.
As a psychotherapist,
I accompany families, children, adolescents, and adults in their healing journeys through the use of scientifically grounded approaches.
As an author,
I have written numerous books, articles, chapters and therapeutic material for children that have emerged from almost 20 years of clinical practice and the latest findings in neurosciences and psychology.
As a consultant,
I am committed to supporting the growth of other mental health professionals based on my extensive experience working with families, children, and adults.
As a teacher and lecturer,
I am dedicated to providing trainings full of creative ideas, based on the latest research and literature to mental health professionals, paraprofessionals, educators, and parents.