The Thoughts Kit for Kids


The Thoughts Kit for Kids consists of four sets of cards. Two sets are for young children and the other two for young adolescents. Each set contains child-appropriate positive and negative cognitions along with a VOC scale with which children can play and interact. In addition, The Thought Kit for Kids contains a 16- page booklet with specific EMDR therapy games and protocols that can be used with the cards.


When using EMDR therapy with children, two of the greatest challenges for clinicians are assisting children in identifying the negative and positive cognitions as well as obtaining the validity of the positive cognition (VoC). The Thoughts Kit for Kids is designed to aid clinicians in following EMDR therapy procedural steps and protocols.

The Thoughts Kit for Kids consists of four sets of cards. Two sets are for young children and the other two for young adolescents. Each set contains child-appropriate positive and negative cognitions along with a VOC scale with which children can play and interact. In addition, The Thought Kit for Kids contains a 16- page booklet with specific EMDR therapy games and protocols than can be used with the cards.

The Thoughts Kit for Kids can help clinicians by:

Helping children develop cognitive and emotional awareness and literacy.
Making the process of identifying negative and positive cognitions easier for children during EMDR treatment.
Facilitating the use of the VOC scale for children.
Assisting youngsters in selecting potential targets for EMDR therapy.

Weight 1.65 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 11 × 1.5 in
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